Il nostro intento è creare un insieme di lettori che s’incontrano per confrontarsi su una lettura comune e condividere impressioni, emozioni, perplessità, opinioni, esortare al dialogo, alla condivisione di idee, arricchire sia il bagaglio culturale che quello personale e ultimo ma non ultimo conoscere libri mai letti o autori ancora sconosciuti.

The aim is to make the reader more and more a protagonist in the life of the library, facilitating encounters between people who want to confront each other, to listen to opinions different from their own, to get to know authors and books that they would otherwise never have read, to enrich themselves culturally and to turn reading into a shared pleasure.

Anyone can participate: strong readers, weak readers, new readers, the curious.

Participation is free and open to all.

I partecipanti si riuniranno una volta al mese e durante ogni incontro si discuterà dell’ultimo libro letto.

The choice of books will be made on a case-by-case basis by a vote of the participants' proposals (after checking the availability of copies in the system). The library hosting the group will retrieve through inter-library loan the copies needed for the meetings.

The discussion of each book in a reading group will work best if led by a moderator. It is important that the moderator changes for each book examined.