

Public information and assistance

The service provides basic and specific information on the library services, the bibliographic material held and its use. Assistance can be provided in-house, by telephone and remotely using the library's e-mail.

Book and DVD lending

Subscribers may borrow all material in the library with the exception of old editions, newspapers and magazines, reference works (such as bibliographic directories, dictionaries, encyclopaedias), editions of particular value or bibliographic importance, also in relation to the specificity and integrity of the collections, and photographic works

Interlibrary loan (within the system)

Il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione di ogni biblioteca il proprio patrimonio tramite il prestito interbibliotecario, attraverso il quale gli utenti iscritti possono richiedere gratuitamente alla propria biblioteca di riferimento le opere di altre biblioteche aderenti al Sistema, se ammesse al prestito.


A consultation service of the holdings and reading on the premises is available in all the libraries of the system.

Bibliographic advice and guidance

The librarians provide users with orientation in the use of the library's spaces and in the enjoyment of the library's holdings. They also provide information on all the services offered and offer assistance with bibliographical research.


In each municipal library there is a notice board or a point of collection and display of information material for orientation, reception and local promotion that provides information about the individual municipality and the area. The service involves close cooperation with local organisations and associations that periodically provide information and promotional material on their events.

Mlol (digital newsstand, e-book)

È attivo in tutte le biblioteche del Sistema il servizio gratuito di prestito di e-book e di consultazione delle riviste attraverso la piattaforma digitale MLOL (Media Library On Line)  che consente il prestito di ebook dei maggiori editori italiani e la consultazione di migliaia di giornali provenienti da tutto il mondo. Si accede al servizio previa registrazione.



Attività di promozione:

Reading animation

Municipal libraries offer reading animation services aimed at different age groups. Workshops and read alouds are provided with the aim of initiating, enhancing and consolidating in the recipients the pleasure of reading.

Book presentations

Also with a view to cultural promotion and animation of reading, the System organises, also in cooperation with organisations and associations, the presentation of books by local and non-local authors.

Bibliographic exhibitions

Throughout the year, themed bibliographic exhibitions lasting around 20 days are set up in all the libraries of the system, as well as other extemporaneous exhibitions, on the occasion of local, national and international events, anniversaries and anniversaries.

Collaboration in cultural activities and events

The system collaborates with organisations and associations on cultural activities and events, within the framework of library-related activities, in order to create and strengthen synergies in the area and promote its services.



Canali d’informazione:

Website, Facebook, Librami

Il sistema Bibliotecario si è dotato di diversi canali per avvicinarsi ai lettori e interagire con essi: ha realizzato un sito web di informazione e promozione delle attività delle biblioteche; è presente su Facebook con una pagina del Sistema e una pagina per ogni biblioteca comunale e scolastica; è presente su Instagram e aderisce a Librami, social network ideato per favorire il dialogo fra biblioteche e lettori.

Notes and press releases

The system informs readers and the general public about the activities taking place in the libraries through press releases published in local and regional newspapers, in print and online.

WhatsApp messaging and mailing lists

Through whatsapp messaging and mailing list services, users are promptly notified of events, activities and events of interest to the libraries. The services are on demand.